The concept of maintaining an asset inventory is not new, in fact almost every security framework or compliance standard focused on cybersecurity requires some level of inventory. We define digital assets as inclusive of hardware, firmware, software and data assets. Analog sensors and gauges fall within the category of Engineered Controls which we will cover in a separate article.
For instance, a Sharepoint server farm is made up of multiple physical or virtual servers (assets) that run Microsoft Windows server operating system (asset), supported by various firmwares (asset), SQL server (asset), Sharepoint server software (asset) and data (assets) hosted by the Sharepoint infrastructure. The reality is that in many large organizations, each of these components may be managed by different entities:
Additionally, digital asset awareness encompasses more than just the presence of the asset, but additional metadata about the asset such as stakeholders, location, ip address and hostname, Purdue layer, functions they support, dependencies they rely upon for functionality and even the operational state of the asset. This becomes the foundational bedrock for other technical controls we layer on top, as these assets are frequently what we are defending, in order to secure our critical functions.
Without good inventory, we don't really know what it is we are protecting. Without knowing why it is important, we don't know if it's worth protecting. And when we see inbound attacks or lateral movement in our monitoring tools, if we are not sure what assets live there, it makes it incredibly hard to know what to do about it.
Take the log4j issues from late 2021. If you knew you had vulnerable log4j in a HMI, but you did not know where all instances of that HMI software were installed, it would be challenging to locate them all.
The asset exists for a business purpose, if not, then you should probably remove it from your network. So what happens when that asset fails? It does not have to be a cyber attack, it may be more likely to be normal wear and tear, natural disaster or user error. No environment is static though, so it's helpful to understand how many of the below risk conditions are acceptable and at what level before we sacrifice our ability to recover. We refer to this as a boundary condition. We will cover these concepts in more detail as we touch on Consequences Focused Design.
Digital Asset Awareness requires a people, process and technology approach. There is no technology silver bullet to solve this for you, but we certainly love our vendors working hard to help make this easier.
First your organization needs to think about what you want to accomplish and define a scope. You will probably need an executive sponsor and a champion to drive this internally until it becomes part of your culture. This should naturally lead you into the creation of a program and governance structure to manage this process. This includes well-defined roles and responsibilities, setting expectations, identifying KPIs and training stakeholders.
Once you've designed your approach and communicated why this is important, you need to start thinking about how you will accomplish this. There are probably already great sources of data to help get you started
In addition to leveraging the above data sources, you can look to data aggregators to ingest multiple sources of data to provide a holistic picture of your network, but in our experience there will be significant gaps due to a few issues.
In the design process, you may only know conceptually what types of assets are likely to be deployed. But you can use this activity to define the characteristics of assets that are to be acquired. You might determine that it needs to meet a specific IEC 62443 Security level, or specify that no hardware components can originate from a specific adversarial nation. Certainly the context about how the asset is to be used is part of the design process, but until it is acquired and implemented you may not be able to do more than specify the security, functional and compliance requirements for the asset that will ultimately satisfy that function.
Hardware Bill of Materials (HBOM)
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
The answer to this is somewhat subjective based on your organizations maturity and the critical functions you are trying to protect. If you are just getting started, just try to get an inventory captured once as a starting point.
If you are in the design phase of your project, you may not be ready yet for a discrete inventory, but you should know generally speaking the types of assets that will be needed such as a router, HMI, Breaker I/O, etc. You will also want to have a plan to manage this post-implementation. Once you do get a bill of materials created for your site, make sure this is clearly documented.
Maturity models such as C2M2 in electric power provide some guidance on these activities within the ASSET domain, and while CIE does not adhere strictly to these concepts, it may be helpful for you to understand where to start and how to mature your digital asset awareness approach.
Without an awareness of digital assets, it is incredibly difficult to understand what attacks are targeting and if it even matters. When new threats emerge, trying to understand how to respond becomes impossible without understanding what areas of your organization may be at risk, and who uses them. Lastly, when recovering from a cyber event, if you do not know where all your assets are, you will not know all the hiding places an adversary could have setup shop in. How will you know when you are “done”?
Asset inventory is one of the most foundational components of a cyber risk management program, but as we will explore in other sections, it may make sense to tackle this in tandem with gaining a more complete understanding of your critical functions and the consequences of failure.
As mentioned above, C2M2 is a great starting point to establish the capability for digital asset awareness, and there are a number of great open source and commercial tools as seen below.
Passive Identification - Many of these tools fall within 2 or more of the categories below, for instance some passive identification tools have active capabilities, but perhaps only for certain vendor technologies. Most of the tools here are limited to what can be observed on an IP based network, but newer solutions have started to emerge to capture serial, zigbee and other technologies.
Active Identification
Asset Lifecycle Management