CIE is an approach to critical function resilience prescribed by the US Department of Energy. It includes 12 foundational principles and 5 primary pillars to further the goals of CIE within DoE's National CIE Strategy document outlined HERE. CIE is not just for electric power though, it's useful for any sector where the consequences of failure are so dire that they can have profound impacts such as loss of life, or negative consequences to a nations defense or implications for a society's wellbeing.
There is frequently confusion with Consequences-driven Cyber-informed Engineering (CCE) and how these are related. I've heard it best described as CIE is the “what” - we need to do these things. CCE is the “how” as in one possible, but not the only implementation of the CIE concepts. As you will see in the first Design and Operational Principle - Consequences-Focused Design, CCE is very applicable to this principle. CCE encompasses many if not all of the other 11, but we think as more potential implementations of CIE evolve, we will see different flavors of the application of these concepts.
This wiki is my attempt to help foster the awareness pillar for CIE and hopefully educate a bit along the way. I am commercially invested in the success of CIE, but my belief is that fostering awareness will help all participants. This wiki is provided under the Apache 2.0 license, and the content here is made freely available to all. If you'd like to contribute financially or via sweat equity to the wiki, please get in touch. I can be found at [email protected] - where we build software solutions for CIE. We need your content, please support CIE!